Who we are

ITPARTNERS SRL is a company specialized in the wholesale of hardware and software and IT consultancy. Our mission is to provide our customers with the technical and IT solutions they need to achieve their business objectives, making the most of available technology.

Our team is made up of experts with years of experience in the sector. Thanks to their skills, we are able to offer a wide range of IT consultancy services, from the analysis of business needs to the design of customized solutions, from IT infrastructure management to technical support and staff training.

In addition to IT consultancy, we are dedicated to the wholesale of hardware and software. We collaborate with the main manufacturers and suppliers in the industry to guarantee our customers high quality products at competitive prices.

We are committed to offering an efficient and quality service, providing customized solutions and technical assistance to our customers. We understand the challenges that companies face and therefore we are able to offer solutions suited to their needs.

We are committed to always maintaining high ethical and professional standards, respecting the privacy and security of our customers' data. We are open to dialogue and always willing to listen to the needs and requests of our customers, in order to guarantee maximum satisfaction.

We are happy to serve companies of all sizes and sectors, in Italy and abroad. If you need technical and IT solutions for your company, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to discuss your needs and offer you the best solutions to achieve your goals.

Registered office: Via Comba Romana 4, 12026, Piasco (CN)

VAT number and tax code 04043970047 | REA number: CN-332134
Telephone: 0175518060 | E-mail: info@it-partners.it